A New Perspective On Private Equity
Focused on Downside Protection, Capital Preservation and Risk-Adjusted Returns
An elite class of investors that invests for alpha—the rate of return above a comparable benchmark.

Exclusive Access
Our investors gain access to institutional-quality, private, debt and equity real estate investments.

Leverage Industry Expertise
We partner with top-tier operators sourced through our deep industry relationships.

Strategic Diversification
By aggregating investor capital on a deal-by-deal basis, investors strategically diversify into various assets, strategies and markets.

Realize Returns
Alpha-the excess return of an investment relative to the return of a benchmarked index. Compared to typical public equities and investments, our investor network sees increased risk-adjusted returns.
Our Preferred
Asset Classes
Private real estate investments from a range of asset classes with one thing in common: professionally vetted, top-tier sponsors.
A Consistently High-Performing Asset Class Due to Strong Fundamentals, Despite Shifting Market Dynamics Amid Severe Economic Downturn
Senior Housing
Positive Fundamentals, Propelled by an Ever-Growing Demographic and the Chance to Optimize Operational Efficiencies
Single Family Rentals
A Resilient Asset Type Benefitting From Strong Fundamentals and Demand Driven By The Shift in Work From Home and Millenial Migration